
Begin From the Beginning...I Guess?

Like most of us, I've recently found myself with an abundance of time on my hands. By abundance, I mean slightly more than I normally have, which isn't a whole lot, but I like to keep busy and for me there's no better way to do that than to start working my way down my list of projects. I have a lot of projects. One of them that's been on this list for awhile is to go through the recipe boxes I inherited from my Grandma Nordsiden about 4 years ago. Since there's going to be a lot less eating out and a lot more "home cooking" I figured now is as good a time as any. To be honest, I was going to do this all in secret and eventually publish them, church cookbook style, and distribute to my family. I'll probably still do this, I think it'd be a nice thing for everyone to have, but I'm currently sheltering in place by myself and so doing this through a blog feels like a way to reach out and maybe not be so alone in this process. The Reci